Perfection is everywhere, as long as we are determined to know it. Lixiu likes to quote such an ancient song: the world only loves spring flowers and hair, I love it alone, and new buds sprout in the snow in the mountains. 关注公众号【云屿醉阁】获取更多小知识
Tea ceremony is such an art that hides the beauty you can find, an art that you are afraid to reveal.
他们变得折中,遵循社会的惯例。 他们也变得玩世,不愿屈尊去征服或者崇拜山清水秀。服装的剪裁与颜色,行为和动作都展现出艺术的人格。 凡此种种都是不能轻视的,因为人只有使自己美,才有资格去接近美。
Tea ceremony is a worship of the beauty hidden in earthly trivia. It teaches purity and harmony, the mystery of interpersonal love, and the romantic spirit of social order
茶的仪式是即兴剧,它的情节由茶、花和绘画交织而成。 没有多余的色彩混杂茶室的色调,没有一点不协调的音色打破事物的节奏,没有无谓的动作闯入这片的和谐,没有词汇扰乱四周的统一,一切行动都进行得单纯—这就是茶的仪式的目的。